Getting the Most from a commercial exhibition
- Establish a budget and a goal that fit into the overall strategy of the company.
- Include an amount for the purchase of space (10'x10 ', 10'x20' ect), the exhibit booth and especially personnel costs often forgotten
-.... Determine a measurement system meeting your expectations often easier to participation by small lounges
- Plan your participation in the right area, depending on your budget, available space and the presence of our competition.
- Provide your presence as much as possible beforehand to get discount on the rental price space.
- Building on a position near the entrance, in the main aisles or near a field leader that attracts many visitors.
- Establish the organization of space the kiosk with the domain expert to establish specific areas for each mandate (presentation, negotiation, video, meeting, storage).
- Invite your existing customers and prospects.
- Expand the 'lounge effect by customers meet for breakfast or dinner.
- the clear image is paramount. Make sure to have representatives informed in an organized and well managed environment (take stock of the issues raised, every day)
- Be creative. Animate your site conferences minis for 5-7 aperitifs or other
-.. Follow up and thank your guests after the show .
Why participate in trade shows?
- 8/10 More visitors have decision-making power.
- More than 1/3 visitors confirmed their choice through their living experience.
- The cost of representation is 4 times less expensive to acquire a new customer or a new command.
- the event allows you to meet 5 times more people than a regular sale day.
- the presence of visitors is voluntary, which brings a very receptive audience.
-. Gives rise to openings sometimes unexpected niches
How to make the right choice of booth?
- To determine the mode of transportation or the desired use.
- Choose to be independent or not in the assembly of his booth.
- Knowing the frequency of use
- Ask yourself if the kiosk must be flexible in time.
-. consider established areas
(presentation, sale, storage ...)
Reuse the booth after the show?
- According to the kiosk option, it happens that we can cut and sew some visual and insert them into wall frames to create video walls to increase your impact with your customers or just give life to your professional setting.